by chadw20 | Apr 1, 2016 | Recent Works
FTIC, Jamestown IN–145,000 sf of densified floors, 17,000 lf of floor joints...
by chadw20 | Feb 5, 2015 | Recent Works
Cafe Valley, a newly constructed 225,000 sf food grade facility which included 45,000 sf of seamless decorative epoxy flooring in the bakery production room and 160,000 sf of exposed finished concrete that we densified and performed joint filler, including a -10...
by chadw20 | Feb 5, 2015 | Recent Works
250,000 sf food grade facility where we performed several things including 70,000 sf of cementitiious urethane, decorative quartz, densifier and joint filler in exposed concrete corridors, loading docks and -10 degree freezer....
by chadw20 | Apr 18, 2014 | Recent Works
“530,000 square feet of floors cleaned and densified, as well as all joints cleaned and filled full depth with semi-rigid epoxy joint filler. ? The customer elected not to use a stain protective film to prevent the joint filler material from...
by chadw20 | Mar 25, 2014 | Recent Works
Home Depot Rapid Deployment Center–78,000 linear feet of “Joint Filler cutout and...
by chadw20 | Aug 6, 2013 | Recent Works
Traffic Coating System designed for Parking Garage....